
Showing posts from April, 2020

Throwback Thursday - Top 5 Worst Marvel Movies

            Hey guys, Chuck here. With Marvel May kicking off next Thursday, I thought I'd run down a list of five movies that, in my opinion, are the worst Marvel movies ever made. Outside of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, there have been films that have ranged from excellent, passable, underwhelming, and just plain bad. In my opinion, even the most underwhelming Marvel movies,  like the Fantastic Four movies with Ioan Gruffudd and Jessica Alba, Daredevil with Ben Affleck, and the Ghost Rider movies with Nicholas Cage, have some level of entertainment to them. However. the five movies on this list have nothing entertaining about them, and therefore are completely unwatchable. So, for the last Throwback Thursday before Marvel May , let's take a look at the Top 5 Worst Marvel Movies .           # 5 - Elektra : Directed by Rob Bowman, this 2005 spin-off of Daredevil sees the return of Jennifer Garner as Elektra Natchios, who after becoming an assassin for hire, comes into

Throwback Thursday - Unbreakable (2000)

          Hey guys, Chuck here. This week for Throwback Thursday , I decided to take a look at the 2000 film Unbreakable . Directed by M. Night Shyamalan, this movie is an example of advertising misrepresenting the final product of a film. Touchstone, whose then sister studio Hollywood Pictures (both were subsidiaries of Disney, but Hollywood Pictures is now defunct) released Shyamalan's The Sixth Sense , advertised Unbreakable  as a psychological thriller, when the film was actually a superhero thriller. Yes, this movie takes a more realistic approach to the existence of superheroes in our world. So, let's take a look at my personal favorite of Shyamalan's films: Unbreakable.           The movie opens with the birth of Elijah Price, who sadly is born with Type-1 Osteogenesis Imperfecta, a real-life condition that makes one's bones more prone to fractures and breaks. Elijah, who is nicknamed Mr. Glass, grows up fascinated by comic books and the idea that superheroes e

Review - Dude, Where's My Car? (2000)

        Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, in honor of 4/20, I thought I'd take a look at a stoner comedy released in the year 2000, but I didn't finally watch it until I was much older. That film is Dude, Where's My Car ?             Dude, Where's My Car ? focuses on two best friends, Jesse and Chester, played by Ashton Kutcher and Seann William Scott. Jesse and Chester wake up completely hung over with no memory of the previous night, endless amounts of pudding cups in their refrigerator and cupboards, and an angry voicemail from their twin girlfriends, Wanda and Wilma, played by Jennifer Garner and Marla Sokoloff. Jesse and Chester decide to go over to the twins' house, with only one problem: no sign of Jesse's car. After standing around for a minute like a couple of idiots, which okay Jesse and Chester are a couple of idiots, they decide to re-trace their steps, starting off at the home of their oddball friend Nelson.         Jesse and Chester's journey has

Throwback Thursday - X-Men (2000)

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, in just a few weeks time, I'll be kicking off a theme month I've been very excited for: Marvel May . Throughout the month of May, I'll be taking a look at Marvel movies, and this year's focus will be on the six films that make up Phase One of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. But for now, I thought I'd take a look at one of the Marvel movies that led to the eventual creation of the MCU, and that is Bryan Singer's 2000 film: X-Men.         The movie opens in a concentration camp during World War II, where a young boy named Erik Lensherr, after being separated from his parents, awakens his mutant power of magnetism, pulling the metal gate towards him while Nazis are trying to restrain him.          Cutting to modern times, we meet a girl named Marie, who puts her boyfriend into a coma by accident, due to her mutant powers absorbing the life out of whomever she touches. At a Senate hearing, Dr. Jean Grey speaks out in favor of

Review - The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Hope everyone is enjoying this Easter Sunday. Well, as promised, here is my review of the final chapter of the  Dark Knight  Trilogy: The Dark Knight Rises.  And even though this is a nearly ten year old movie, I'll do my best to avoid spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it.           Eight years have passed since the events of The Dark Knight , and many things have changed in Gotham. Crime is at an all-time low, and Gotham's most violent criminals are locked up in Blackgate Penitentiary. Jim Gordon is the commissioner of the police, and Batman has been MIA for the past right years.           Elsewhere, a CIA operative interrogates three men on an airplane, all of whom work for a masked mercenary named Bane. Once Bane himself speaks, more of his men attack the plane and retrieve nuclear physicist Dr. Pavel, replacing Dr. Pavel with a cadaver before dropping the plane. Back in Gotham, during a celebration at Wayne Manor, a string of pearls

Throwback Thursday - The Dark Knight (2008)

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, last week's Throwback Thursday took a look at Christopher Nolan's  Batman Begins.  This week, we'll be taking a look at a film that was not only better than its predecessor, but can honestly be considered the best comic book film of all time. Heck, DC fans go nuts whenever you say anything negative about the movie. That movie is the 2008 comic book film: The Dark Knight.          The movie starts off some time after the events of Batman Begins,  and Gotham City's criminals are now living in dread of the masked crime fighter known as Batman, Gotham has just elected Harvey Dent as their new district attorney, and Lt. Gordon is leading a new division of the GCPD. The movie opens with a group of clown masked robbers robbing a bank that just so happens to be a bank for the mob. Five of the robbers are killed, and the final robber gets away with the cash from the vault. This turns out to be the Joker, who loads the cash onto a school bus

Top 5 Favorite Batman Villains

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, as I get ready for this week's Throwback Thursday  review of The Dark Knight , I decided to do a quick Stop 5 countdown of my Top 5 Favorite Batman  Villains. Now, these are my personal picks, and all based on my personal preference. So, my list may not reflect yours. But, here we go, my Top 5 Favorite Batman  Villains.        Before we get to the Top 5, a few honorable mentions: Bane, Killer Croc, Hugo Strange, Scarecrow, and Mad Hatter. Okay, now to the Top 5:         # 5: Riddler - Edward Nygma, also known as the Riddler, is a villain that likes to prove his intellectual superiority using puzzles to confound people, especially Batman. I like the Riddler, as he is smart and capable of outwitting Batman, if only his pride and narcissism didn't always get the better of him. Jim Carrey previously played the Riddler in 1995's Batman Forever,  and actor Paul Dano is set to portray the Riddler in the upcoming film The Batman.        

Review - Onward (2020)

        Hey guys, Chuck here. With everything going on in the world with COVID-19, there were a few releases in March that I missed out on. One of those films was Pixar's newest film: Onward . While Onward was in theaters, unfortunately the theaters have all been closed,  which led Disney to release the film on VOD early, followed by a release to Disney+ just this weekend. So, now that I've watched it on Disney+, let's take a look at Onward .          The movie focuses on brothers Ian and Barley Lightfoot. Ian is a bit of a social outcast with very little self-confidence,while Barley is obsessed with history and role-playing games. On the day of Ian's sixteenth birthday, the two brothers receive a gift from their late father, who died before Ian was born. The gift is a wizard's staff, along with a spell to bring back their father for one day. Unfortunately, the spell goes awry and only the bottom half of their father is brought back. Ian and Barley, in order to b

Throwback Thursday - Batman Begins (2005)

       Hey guys, Chuck here. Today for Throwback Thursday, I wanted to talk about my favorite superhero as a kid: Batman. Whether it was the popular animated series from the 90's or the movies that were on the big screen, Batman was everywhere. And in 2005, exactly right years after the epic failure of Joel Schumacher's Batman & Robin , Warner Bros. would release the first entry of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy : Batman Begins.          Okay, so of course the movie focuses on the murder of Thomas and Martha Wayne, leaving their son Bruce in the care of the family Butler, Alfred. Years pass, and Bruce is seeking a way to end the injustice in Gotham City. It is here that he meets Henri Ducard, who is a member of the League of Shadows. The League, led by Ra's al Ghul, trains Bruce in the art of combat, theatricality, and deception. Bruce, however, turns on the League, and fights Ra's, as Bruce doesn't believe in the League's methods of extreme

Tarantino Week - Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019)

       Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, let's wrap up Tarantino Week  with Quentin Tarantino's most recent film: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.  Since this film was just released last year, I'm not going to get too into detail with the plot, but here's my basic summary of the plot of Quentin Tarantino's ninth film overall: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.        Set in the year 1969, the movie focuses on fallen TV and movie star Rick Dalton, as well as his best friend and stunt double Cliff Booth. Rick, after his long-running Wester TV series Bounty Law  ended, has struggled with getting roles in film or television. Rick also lives nextdoor to Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate. Cliff, after offering a ride to a girl named Pussycat, arrives at Spahn Ranch, where he meets the various members of the notorious Manson family, except for Charles Manson himself.        After a filming quick spot on a pilot, Rick finally gives in and agrees to film a few movies in Italy, and ends