Top 5 Favorite Batman Villains

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, as I get ready for this week's Throwback Thursday review of The Dark Knight, I decided to do a quick Stop 5 countdown of my Top 5 Favorite Batman Villains. Now, these are my personal picks, and all based on my personal preference. So, my list may not reflect yours. But, here we go, my Top 5 Favorite Batman Villains.

       Before we get to the Top 5, a few honorable mentions: Bane, Killer Croc, Hugo Strange, Scarecrow, and Mad Hatter. Okay, now to the Top 5:

        # 5: Riddler - Edward Nygma, also known as the Riddler, is a villain that likes to prove his intellectual superiority using puzzles to confound people, especially Batman. I like the Riddler, as he is smart and capable of outwitting Batman, if only his pride and narcissism didn't always get the better of him. Jim Carrey previously played the Riddler in 1995's Batman Forever, and actor Paul Dano is set to portray the Riddler in the upcoming film The Batman.

         # 4: Two-Face - Once Gotham City's district attorney Harvey Dent, an accident caused the left half of his face to be burned, leaving Harvey horribly scarred and with a split personality. Two-Face is among the more tragic of Batman's adversaries, as his backstory is truly tragic. He is definitely a favorite of mine, as his design of having the left half of his face burned and scarred is really cool. Harvey has been portrayed by Billy Dee Williams in 1989's Batman, while Two-Face has been portrayed by Tommy Lee Jones in 1995's Batman Forever, as well as by Aaron Eckhart in The Dark Knight.

         # 3: Mr. Freeze - Scientist Dr. Victor Fries, later known as Mr. Freeze, is among the more tragic of Batman's enemies. Victor, in an attempt to find a cure for his wife's incurable disease, cryogenically freezes her to buy himself more time to find a cure. However, after being doused by the cryonic solution, his body is mutated and his physiology altered, forcing Victor to live in a cryogenic suit that keeps him at subzero temperatures. Freeze also uses a cold gun to freeze anyone who gets in his way. By the way, that backstory was created for the popular Batman: The Animated Series, and was adapted into the definitive backstory for the character in the world of DC Comics, and was used in 1997's Batman & Robin, where Mr. Freeze was portrayed by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

        # 2: Catwoman - Sometimes an adversary, sometimes a lover, but always seen coming face to face with the Dark Knight is Selina Kyle, also known as Catwoman. Portrayed previously by Michelle Pfeiffer in 1992's Batman Returns, Anne Hathaway in The Dark Knight Rises, and set to be portrayed by Zoe Kravitz in the upcoming film The Batman, Catwoman is a jewel thief with a heart of gold. Playing on both sides, Catwoman has met with many of Batman's adversaries, but often allies herself with Batman. Catwoman is very much a femme fatale, and is among the Dark Knight's most popular supporting characters.

        # 1: Joker - Batman's most iconic nemesis, Joker is a psychotic clown whose only goal is spreading anarchy and chaos. Many backstories have been given to the Joker, but there isn't a definitive backstory for the character. However, as Mr. J himself has said, "If you're going to have an origin story, you're better off making it multiple choice." Joker has been portrayed by several actors on the big screen, including in 1989's Batman, where he was portrayed by Jack Nicholson, The Dark Knight, where Heath Ledger won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, the 2016 film Suicide Squad, where he was portrayed by Jared Leto, and most recently in the film Joker, which won actor Joaquin Phoenix the Academy Award for Best Actor.

        Well, there we are. My Top 5 Favorite Batman Villains. Be sure to look out for my review of The Dark Knight this week for Throwback Thursday. This is Chuck signing off. See you guys next time.


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