
Showing posts from July, 2020

Review - Muppet Treasure Island (1996)

             Hey guys, Chuck here. As a kid, I really enjoyed stories about pirates, and I also enjoyed the Muppets, So, it shouldn’t be a surprise that I’d just so happen to enjoy a movie that combined the two: Muppet Treasure Island . Directed by Brian Henson, this film marked the second feature film collaboration between Disney and the Jim Henson Company after The Muppet Christmas Carol a few years before. And, yes, I’ll be getting to that one as well. Part of this collaboration was due to Jim Henson’s initial plan to sell the Muppet characters to Disney, and the plan fell through due to Henson’s passing. So, when his family took over the Jim Henson Company, they signed a two film deal with Disney. Now, Disney would eventually acquire ownership of the Muppets in 2004. So, let’s get into Muppet Treasure Island .             The movie starts with Billy Bones, played by Billy Connolly, telling the story of Captain Flint, a pirate who buried a large treasure on an uncharted island in

Review - Top Gun (1986)

    Hey guys, Chuck here. Throughout the currently ongoing global health crisis, many movies had their theatrical releases postponed or cancelled in favor of a digital one. One of those films was the upcoming Top Gun: Maverick , the sequel to the 1986 action movie: Top Gun . So, having recently picked up a Blu-ray copy of the original, I thought I'd break down my thoughts on it. This is Top Gun .      We open with a text about a flight academy where the U.S. Navy trains aviators in the lost art of aerial combat, and the men who graduated were the best of the best. The Navy refers to it as the Fighter Weapons School, but the flyers refer to it as Top Gun, hence where the movie gets its name. The movie opens proper with an aircraft carrier, the USS Enterprise, where LT. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell and his Radar Intercept Officer (RIO) Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, played respectively by Tom Cruise and Anthony Edwards, flying an F-14A Tomcat alongside their wingman Cougar wh

Review - Independence Day (1996)

    Hey guys, Chuck here. For everyone living in the United States as I do, Happy Fourth of July. Let's celebrate with my review of the 1996 sci-fi action classic: Independence Day . Directed by Roland Emmerich, this film features a massive cast that includes Jeff Goldblum, Bill Pullman, Will Smith, Judd Hirsch, Vivica A. Fox, James Rebhorn, Brent Spiner, Robert Loggia, Mary McDonnell, Adam Baldwin, Randy Quaid, Harry Connick Jr, and a host of others. Let's just jump right into things. This is Independence Day .     In 1996, on the morning of July 2nd, a massive alien spaceship arrives and stops just in orbit of the planet Earth. In Washington D.C., President Tom Whitmore and his advisors, unaware of the spaceship, tries to figure out what the object is, as several smaller ships break off from the larger spaceship, and each one comes into hover over several major cities across the globe. In New York City, cable repairman David Levinson stumbles onto the alien's signal, and