12 Reviews of Christmas - Disney's The Little Matchgirl (2006)

        Hey guys, Chuck here, and while this one isn't strictly a Christmas short, I, like the Nostalgia Critic, feel that it's certainly one that's worth a watch around the holiday season. Disney's The Little Matchgirl is a 2006 animated short based on the story of the same name by Hans Christian Anderson, and was directed by Roger Allers. 

       Set to the tune of the Nocturne from Borodin's String Quartet #2, The Little Matchgirl is set at Christmas time in pre-Revolution Saint Petersburg, Russia. The story focuses on a little girl selling matches to passersby, but to no avail. The remainder of the short sees her lighting her matches in a snowy alley, in an effort to get warm, seeing warm visions of her grandmother, a Christmas dinner, and so forth. By the next morning, the girl passes away due to the cold, and her spirit is brought to the afterlife in the warm embrace of her grandmother's spirit. The short ends with a comet across the sky, indicating the girl's spirit has moved on to the next world. 

         Much like The Snowman, The Little Matchgirl is a short told with no dialogue and entirely through visual storytelling. And, a part of that has to do with the fact that Disney initially intended the short to be a segment for a cancelled third film in the Fantasia series. So, it makes sense that The Little Matchgirl is told through animation and music alone, with no dialogue. 

        Speaking on the animation, it is absolutely incredible, and is definitely reason enough for Disney to maybe consider refocusing on hand-drawn animation. The artistry of contrasts between cold reality and the warm memories the girl sees witch each match she lights is truly special, and I am always amazed when I watch it. Also, the choice of music, the Nocturne from Borodin's String Quartet #2, was equally brilliant and melancholic at the same time. 

       Now, obviously setting aside the fact that the short is set at Christmas time, heck the girl even sees a Christmas tree in one of her memories, the themes of keeping hope alive in a cold and harsh world are universal themes that go beyond the Christmas holiday. Even still, it's a thoroughly enjoyable short to watch, especially during the Christmas holiday season. The short is streaming on Disney+, and I recommend -- scratch that, I ENCOURAGE you to check it out this holiday season. I'm giving Disney's The Little Matchgirl a rating of 5/5. Definitely give it a watch. 

       Alright guys, this is Chuck signing off, and 12 Reviews of Christmas will continue tomorrow with another Disney favorite: Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas.


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