Ranking the Marvel Studios Releases of 2022

         Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, yesterday we went over my Top 10 Favorite Movies of 2022. Now, before the year is over, I'd like to do a ranking of all of the Marvel Studios releases of the year. This ranking runs from my least favorite of the year to my absolute favorite of the year. So, let's get into it. 

           9. Thor: Love & Thunder - Chris Hemsworth's fourth solo outing as Thor went way too heavy on the comedy, although Christian Bale did have a pretty intimidating look as Gorr the God Butcher, and it was great seeing the returns of Natalie Portman as Jane and Jaimie Alexander as Sif.

           8. Ms. Marvel - definitely a unique superhero series, this introduction of Kamala Khan was entertaining, although the plot of the villains felt like rehash from a similar plot by Ego in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2. However, the series did give me a greater appreciation for Pakistani culture, which is nice.

           7. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness - a movie that didn't quite live up to the promise of it's title, Sam Raimi's first superhero flick since Spider-Man 3 was fairly enjoyable, especially with appearances by Anson Mount as Black Bolt, John Krasinski as Mr. Fantastic, and Patrick Stewart as Professor Xavier. However, I wasn't a fan of making Wanda the villain, and wish we'd seen more of the Multiverse. 

           6. She-Hulk Attorney at Law - honestly pretty fun at times, especially with seeing the likes of Mark Ruffalo, Tim Roth, Benedict Wong, and Charlie Cox as Hulk, Abomination, Wong, and Daredevil, respectively, 

           5. I Am Groot - while I didn't watch the entirety of this one, heck I honestly forgot about it, the shorts I did see were cute, and Baby Groot is just so adorable in this collection of shorts it's had not to enjoy them. 

           4. Moon Knight - definitely one of the better Disney+ series Marvel released this year, I thoroughly enjoyed both Oscar Isaac and May Calamawy in this series, along with Marvel's look into Egyptian mythology, as well as the suit designs for both Moon Knight and Scarlet Scarab. 

           3. Werewolf by Night - a kickass Halloween special, director/composer Michael Giacchino nails Marvel's first foray into the horror genre. Gael Garcia Bernal and Laura Donnelly were both fantastic as Jack Russell and Elsa Bloodstone, and the makeup and creature designs for both Werewolf by Night and Man-Thing we're truly something to behold. 

           2. Black Panther Wakanda Forever - easily the best theatrical release from Marvel this year. Wakanda Forever acts as a fantastic tribute to the late Chadwick Boseman, and as the evolution of both Wakanda and the Black Panther. 

           1. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - easily my favorite Marvel Studios project of the year, this James Gunn directed Christmas special is chock full of heart, humor, and true Christmas spirit. Plus, who didn't get choked up when Quill happily accepted Mantis as his sister? Seriously, I loved that moment, and I loved The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special.

          And, there you have it. All of the Marvel Studios releases of 2022 ranked from my least favorite to my absolute favorite. Again, this is all based on personal opinion, and reflects how much I enjoyed each one. Well, that'll wrap things up for me here for 2022. I'll see you guys in a few days when I go over my Top 10 Most Anticipated Movies of 2023. Have a happy New Year, guys, and I'll see you guys next time. 


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