Marvel May - Moon Knight (2022)

          Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, we've reached the end of yet another Marvel May, and to finish the month out, I'd like to talk about the most recent Marvel series streaming on Disney+: Moon Knight

         So, the series stars Oscar Isaac as Marc Spector, a mercenary with dissociative identity disorder. In fact, when we're introduced to him, we actually meet one of his two alternate personalities: Steven Grant. Steven is a bit more mild mannered and isn't into violence at all. Now, when the two personas meet, Marc reveals to Steven that he is the avatar of the Egyptian moon God Khonshu, and with it has a suit of power that he can summon at will. As Marc, the suit is referred to as Moon Knight, and as Steven, it's a suit design referred to as Mr. Knight. 

         So, we also learn that Marc's wife, Layla, is aware of the Moon Knight suit, but wasn't aware of Marc's DID until she meets Steven. Anyway, Marc/Steven and Layla set off to stop a man named Arthur Harrow, who is a former avatar of Khonshu, is attempting to bring back the Egyptian goddess Ammit. Ammit, unlike Khonshu, judges wrongdoers before their crimes take place and punish them before they ever commit any wrongdoing by taking their souls. 

          Marc/Steven and Layla eventually get help from the benevolent Egyptian goddess Tawaret, who Layla becomes the avatar of, giving her a suit in the form of Scarlet Scarab. With her new suit and skills, Layla and Marc/Steven, who've made a deal with Khonshu that they'll be left alone after sealing Ammit away for good, go after Harrow and Ammit. Unfortunately, it's here where Marc's THIRD alternate personality comes into play. Unfortunately, we don't meet him until the mid-credits scene in the season finale. The third personality is called Jake Lockley, and he is teamed up with Khonshu now. Will Marc/Steven find out about him and convince him to join their side? Will Marc suit up as Moon Knight and Steven as Mr. Knight again? We'll have to save those questions for if we get any additional seasons of Moon Knight. 

      Now, when it was announced that we'd be getting a Moon Knight series for Disney+, I got really excited. Why? Because thanks to other shows like Stargate SG-1, I have had a real fascination with Egyptian mythology, and Moon Knight is the one Marvel character that ties deep into Egyptian mythology and lore. I definitely enjoyed the designs of Khonshu, Tawaret, and Ammit, and all three are unique in design and in voice. F. Murray Abraham, Antonia Salib, and Saba Mubarak all did great voicing these three Egyptian gods, and it's great to see them brought to life in a unique way. 

        Now, obviously, Oscar Isaac is absolutely fantastic, and he is definitely part of why I got excited for this series. I do think it was a brilliant idea to Marc and Steven to have separate accents, as it's a great way to differentiate the two. Now, while Jake has only spoken Spanish so far, hopefully we'll get to see and hear from him more in the future. On top of that, the suit designs for Moon Knight and Mr. Knight were really cool, and I like how the Moon Knight suit felt very much like it's made of the bandages of a mummy, which is really neat. I also really liked May Calamawy as Layla, and I definitely liked how she got to suit up as Scarlet Scarab, making her one of the first Egyptian superheroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. 

       Unfortunately, though, Ethan Hawke isn't very interesting as Arthur Harrow. I mean, I like Ethan Hawke, I just thought that the Harrow character, who is this cult leader, isn't a very compelling villain by comparison to other MCU villains like Vulture, Ego, Killmonger, and Thanos. Not the worst MCU villain, but not particularly memorable either. 

         Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed Moon Knight. Now, did I want a little more with this series? You bet. I was definitely hoping to see more ties with this series and the wider MCU. Hopefully down the road, we'll see Marc Spector team up with the likes of Thor or maybe even Bucky Barnes. Do I recommend this series? Yeah. Is it a fun series? Yeah. I'm giving Moon Knight a rating of 4.35/5. 

       Well, this is Chuck signing off, and I'll be taking some time off for a while. Hopefully everyone enjoyed this year's Marvel May, and I definitely look forward to more Marvel movies and series to review in the future. See you guys next time. 


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