Review - Tangled (2010)

      Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, we had a pretty interesting review back on Monday with my review of the movie Deadpool, but today we'll be taking a look at an animated Disney movie currently celebrating its ten year anniversary. I am, of course, talking about Tangled. Based on the fairy tale of Rapunzel, Tangled was really popular among Disney fans, but it might surprise you to know that I, myself, didn't really become a fan of the movie until just last year. And the only reason I picked up a Blu-ray copy of it was because of the world "Kingdom of Corona" in the video game Kingdom Hearts III. However, I did find myself actually enjoying the actual movie of Tangled as well as the Kingdom Hearts III world based on the movie. So, let's take a look at Tangled.

      The movie opens with a backstory involving a rare golden flower with mystical healing properties. The flower is guarded by Mother Gothel, who uses it to make herself young and beautiful. However, soldiers from the nearby kingdom dig the flower up to use to heal the queen and ensure her child is born safe and healthy. The child is, of course, the princess Rapunzel, whose golden hair has the same healing properties as the flower. Mother Gothel, after learning that cutting the hair makes it powerless, kidnaps Rapunzel and locks her in a doorless tower in the middle of the forest, where she grows up yearning to explore the world outside, despite Mother Gothel's warnings of dangerous people in the world outside. On the eve of her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks to see a series of flying lanterns that fill the sky on the night of her birthday every year, but Mother Gothel refuses. 

       It is here where we meet wanted thief Flynn Rider, who had taken the crown of the princess, and plans to make a ton of money on it. After running from the king's soldiers, a horse named Maximus, and the Stabbington brothers (his associates), Flynn finds his way to the tower. Rapunzel, thinking he's a thief after her hair, which is insanely long at this point, knocks Flynn out, and ties him up. Seeing an opportunity to see the outside world, Rapunzel offers to return Flynn's confiscated satchel to him if he takes her to the kingdom to see the lanterns. Flynn agrees, and the two head off on an adventure, which includes meeting a merry bunch of ruffians, befriending Maximus the horse, and seeing the celebration in honor of the lost princess. Meanwhile, Mother Gothel, desperate for Rapunzel's safe return, teams up with the Stabbington brothers to get rid of Flynn and return Rapunzel to the tower. 

        After seeing the lanterns, Flynn is knocked out and ties to a boat, and Mother Gothel "rescues" Rapunzel from the Stabbington brothers, and the two return to the tower. Flynn's new friends, along with Maximus, break him from his imprisonment, and Flynn and Maximus race off to the tower, where Rapunzel has realized the truth: she is the lost princess, and Mother Gothel is her abductor, keeping her for the healing properties in her hair. Mother Gothel makes a plan to take Rapunzel away for good, making her impossible to find, but Flynn arrives, and is stabbed by a shard of glass by Mother Gothel, who allows Rapunzel to heal him in exchange for leaving with Gothel willingly. Flynn then cuts Rapunzel's long hair, turning it from a golden blonde to a brown color, and Mother Gothel's age begins to rapidly deteriorate, and she falls out of the tower window to her death. Rapunzel saves Flynn, and returns to the kingdom, finally returning to her real parents: the king and queen. Oh, I should also mention that, at a certain point in the story, we learn that Flynn Rider's real name is Eugene Fitzherbert; turns out he took the Flynn Rider name from a character in a children's book. 

      Tangled is really fun for a Disney animated movie. The voice cast, including the likes of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, Donna Murphy, Brad Garrett, and Ron Perlman, are all excellent. The animation is gorgeous, and the songs are memorable, with two of my favorites being "I've Got a Dream" and "I See the Light." Now, if there is one complaint I have, it's that the film's villains of Mother Gothel and the Stabbington brothers were kind of one dimensional, but the performance of Donna Murphy as Mother Gothel does make up for some of the lack of depth the character has. Overall, a decent film fi Disney fans of all ages. Definitely one to check out, Tangled gets a rating of 4.5/5. Thanks for checking out today's review. Be sure to tune in Saturday for my review of The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl, and be sure to tune in Sunday for my review of Deadpool 2 with returning special guest: Deadpool. Until this, this is Chuck signing off. See you guys next time. 


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