12 Reviews of Christmas - A Charile Brown Christmas (1965)

          Hey guys, Chuck here. Well, there was no way I wasn't covering this one in my first year of posting the 12 Reviews of Christmas. So, without further ado, let's take a look at a tried-and-true holiday classic: A Charlie Brown Christmas.

         First airing on television in the year 1965, this holiday special by Charles M. Schulz has aired every year around the Christmas season. The story focuses on Charlie Brown, who has a case of the holiday blues, who after some words with his best friend Linus, goes to the psychiatric booth of Lucy, who tells him that what he needs is involvement. So, she suggests to Charlie Brown that he direct the annual Christmas play. Charlie Brown, en route to the auditorium, is further depressed when he sees his dog Snoopy decorating his dog house for a lights and display contest ,and hearing that his sister Sally wants money for Christmas, mainly "tens and twenties." Charlie Brown arrives and sees that the play is being updated with dancing, lively music, and a "Christmas Queen." Upon Lucy's suggestion, Charlie Brown goes to pick out a Christmas tree, although she suggests a big, shiny aluminum tree...maybe painted pink.

         At the tree lot, Charlie Brown finds a small sapling that, surprisingly, is the only real tree among the many fakes. Despite Linus' concerns, Charlie Brown is convinced that once decorated the little tree will be just right. When they return, Lucy and the others scorn Charlie Brown's choice and walk away laughing at him; in despair, he loudly asks if there is anyone that knows what Christmas is all about. Linus says that he knows and walks to center stage. Under a spotlight, Linus quotes Luke 2:8–14, in which angels from heaven tell a group of initially frightened shepherds of the birth of the baby Jesus, and then when finished quietly says, "That's what Christmas is all about, Charlie Brown."

           Realizing that he doesn't have to let commercialism ruin his own Christmas, Charlie Brown decides to take the tree home to decorate it and show the others that it will work in the play. He stops at Snoopy's decorated dog house (which has won first prize in the contest) and takes from it a large red ornament to hang on his tree. But the heavy ornament causes the tiny tree to bend to the ground. Believing that he has killed his tree, Charlie Brown walks away, dejected.  The others, who also heard Linus' oratory, have come to realize that they were too tough on Charlie Brown and secretly followed him. "I never thought it was such a bad little tree," says Linus. "Maybe it just needs a little love." Linus gently uprights the drooping tree, ornament and all, and tenderly wraps his blanket around the base of the tree. After that, the others grab more decorations off of the dog house and add them to the tree, causing it to magically grow taller and fuller. Even Lucy concedes to Charlie Brown's choice. The kids then start humming the traditional Christmas hymn, "Hark! The Herald Angels Sing". Hearing the humming, Charlie Brown returns to see that his little sapling is now a magnificent Christmas tree. All the kids shout, "Merry Christmas, Charlie Brown!" They then begin singing "Hark" and Charlie Brown, his holiday spirit renewed, joins them. Snow begins falling as the special comes to an end.

           Short, simple, and memorably iconic, A Charlie Brown Christmas is a must-watch every year around the holiday season. ABC has aired it every year at least once, if not twice, and it has become a staple of the holiday. In fact, this special has become so iconic that it has been parodied countless times. Heck, even South Park paid tribute to it in their first-ever Christmas episode way back during their first season. The special also led to an up-sale in real Christmas trees, although artificial ones are still sold for people who have allergies or whatever. I don't care, I prefer a real tree, and I get one with my family every year around the holidays. Over the years, the special has held up well, and s definitely one that I watch every year. Therefore, I'm going to go ahead and give A Charlie Brown Christmas a rating of 4.5/5. This is Chuck signing off. See you guys next time as the 12 Reviews of Christmas continues.


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